Bambus Plant Guide | Letsgrowtogether

Step 1
Use the pencil until it becomes short.

Step 2
Plant the pencil sideways as shown. DO NOT plant it straight.
Note: Pencil should not be planted deep
into soil. The soil in the pot should be
loosely filled.

Step 3
Place the pot under sunlight and care for them by watering it regularly...

Step 4
The capsule gets dissolved and begins to expose

Step 5
After 5-7 days, the seeds begin to germinate and form a sprout.

Step 6
After 10-12 days, the sprout grows into a plant

Step 7
Take pictures of your bambus and share it with your network with the hastags

Step 7
Take pictures of your bambus and share it with your network with the hastags

Lets keep growing together!
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